How many sales pitches and advertisements have you seen that include phrases like "during these tough economic times...." They even lead off with it.
What really happened? The banks got greedy and loaned money to just about anyone.
In the shred-happy 80's, Shrapnel Records gave a record contract to just about anyone. Well, anyone spending the majority of their time past the 12th fret. There's no money here. How many times did you hear "he's sicker than Yngwie!!!" before you realized that all these guys sound the same?
In the name of total transparency, I'm parlaying this guitar into my own economic stimulus plan. Without the requisite skills to go out and play paying gigs, here is an asset doing nothing for me. I admit it. I'm operating on a shoestring budget.
Being such a new blog site, the Google AdSense isn't serving up relevant ads, enticing you to click on them. I'm in no hurry for Google to serve up guitar-related ads. An ad offering to show (or sell) you "Shania Twain bikini photos" was in the sidebar earlier today, just begging you to click. I bet you were tempted.
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